It was all a dream but look where i am now.
One of the best pic he took a year ago
Let me tell you a story about the face behind Joy Media. His name is Siphesihle Dlaldla from Mpumalanga Drifontain just before Piet Retief. He was born in October 10 1995 at Piet Retief hospital, His father was Mandlenkosi Dladla who past away in 2003 when Sphe was doing grade 2 and his mother is Joyce Yende, who is still alive. He started school at Sakhisizwe primary school frome grade 1 to 7, then he went to Qedela high school to continue with his leaning from grade 8 to 10, the he change to Mpuluzi high school for his grade 11 to 12 where he did his matric.
Then in 2016 he started his first year at Tshwane University of Technology under the department of Journalism. His currently doing his last year this year. The name Joy Media comes from the name of his mother Joyce, then it was combined to make Joy Media. That's the story behind the face of Joy Media. Sometimes the people we love we need to show them that we love them while they're still alive, so that's why he came up with this name for his small photography company that his still kicking it off the ground. It was all a dream but look where he is now.
So its possible for everyone but first you need to know what you love or like then do it and don't forget where you come from because that's the most important part of everything. Pictures keeps memories alive for years, even if you're no longer alive. So from now on i will be posting some of my work here on my blog to keep it running. Yazi invelaphi yakho, uwazi ukuthi ufunani uzophumelela.
Joy Media
The power of taking pictures